US election 2020 results vs 2016 electoral college votes: how has it changed?
As the final votes get counted and we wait for the final results, how has Trump's performance against Biden so far compared to his race with Hillary?

With the 2020 election coming to a close, how have Joe Biden and Donald Trump split up the electoral map compared to the 2016 result between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump?
The US electoral map is separated in the mind into Red states and Blue states and it has come to seem like the outcome should be more or less static every year. But looking at the historical timeline the map is more fluid than it would appear at first with the nation swinging from one party to the other en masse in the electoral college in elections of yesteryear. However, since 1992 there have been a few regions that have voted more or less consistently for the same party with few deserters.
The blue and red camps
The plains states, the northern rocky mountain states and the southern states have been predominately in the Red state category with some exceptions voting Republican time and again. While the Democrats could rely on what is termed the "blue wall" which consists of the Pacific coast states, the western great lakes region and the northeast to raise their tally.
It was in the great lakes part of the blue wall that Trump was able to chip away at in what was predicted to be a Hillary Clinton victory in 2016 taking Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump have fought hard over these states making numerous campaign stops during the final days of the campaign.

What changed in 2020?
Although a giant blue wave didn’t materialize on the magnitude that Democrats were hoping, it is looking like Biden was able to put some bricks back in the wall with slim majorities in Wisconsin and Michigan now confirmed. The last brick may be the most difficult with Trump currently in the lead but numerous mail-in ballots that could hand the Keystone State to Biden yet to be counted.
Arizona a traditionally Republican stronghold home to Barry Goldwater and John McCain voted Democrat for the first time since 1996. Trump’s constant criticism of their war-hero John McCain is considered one of the reasons Trump didn’t retake the state.

There are still five states that need to be called.
Alaska is almost a shoo-in for Trump but its 3 electors will not decide the race at this point.
Pennsylvania as was already mentioned, has Trump currently in the lead and may expect legal battles over the final votes that need to be counted unless one of the other remaining states goes for Biden.
Nevada went for Hillary in 2016 and looks like it will again give its 6 electors to the Biden camp when the last two counties turn in their final numbers. If the Silver State’s vote goes Biden’s way the presidential race will be over and Biden will reach 270.
Georgia amazingly was in play this year and the votes are still being counted in the Atlanta metro area which has a large Democrat voting population. Yet the lead Trump has might not be surmountable yet the race is still a toss-up. If the Peach State goes for Biden it would be the first time since 1960 that it will choose a northern Democrat for president.
North Carolina is currently leaning toward Trump but the numbers are too close to call. The Tar Heel State could still be a pick up for the Democrats which went for Barack Obama in 2008 but went back to the Republicans in 2012. Prior to that it had been a solid Red state since 1980 when the state dropped Jimmy Carter for Ronald Regan.