What happens when you Google ‘The Last of Us’?
It turns out that Google too is a fan of the HBO hit series ‘The Last of Us’

Google has launched an easter egg for HBO’s ‘The Last of Us’, with key terms related to the tv series revealing fungal tendrils at the bottom of the page.
If you Google “The Last of Us,” “Cordyceps Fungus,” “Cordyceps” and other related key terms the search engine show a small mushroom button that will pop up at the bottom of your screen both on PC or mobile viewing.
If you click the little red and black mushroom button or hold down the enter button, the fungus will start to grow at the edges of your screen. Repeat the process and the mushroom spread more fungus until your entire screen is taken over by creeping tendrils.
Beside the mushroom are two smaller buttons, one to share the easter egg link and another to exit out and remove the tendrils from your screen.
HBO’s hit series
This quirky feature is a nod to the hit series ‘The Last of Us’ that is based upon the video game of the same title and follows two characters Joel and Ellie twenty years into a pandemic caused by a mass fungal infection that transforms its hosts into zombie-like creatures leading to the collapse of society.
‘The Last of Us’ is set to air the season one finale this Sunday, March 12 after its series premiere on January 15, 2023. After the series averaged almost 30 million viewers within the first five episodes, it was renewed for a second season.
Previous easter eggs
Google is known for its fun easter egg features relating to video games, famous people, and important holidays. In May 2010, the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man google turned its homepage logo into a playable Pac-Man game.
This was the first occurrence of a playable logo or eastern egg by the search engine. At the time the Google team found it so amusing they decided to keep the interactive logo for two days. While the playable Pac-Man is long gone it’s still accessible via the Google Doodles Archive.