The reasons why people drive slow in the fast lane in the US: It’s not what you think
We’ve all wondered why people drive in the left lane when there’s nobody around or they’re going really slow. What gives?

It’s frustrating, it’s annoying, it’s illegal, but too many drivers in the US drive slow in the left lane. We’re all taught to use the left lane to pass slower cars on the right. In other countries, drivers only go in the left lane to pass and then immediately get over. Driving slow in the left lane in Europe is dangerous because some cars go 100+ MPH and can appear out of nowhere on some highways and motorways in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc. Europeans are proud of how they drive, moving in and out of the fast lane only to “overtake” slower cars. They ease in and out of roundabouts and wonder why these two things are so hard for American drivers to figure out.
The reasons why drivers in the US drive slow in the left lane
One of the biggest reasons is that drivers in the US use cruise control at all times and on all kinds of highways and roads. There’s nothing wrong with using cruise control, but when you’re passing someone who’s driving 60 MPH and you have your speed set at 62 MPH, it’s going to take you a while to pass that car. For that same reason, when a driver with cruise control sees a slow truck a mile ahead, they get in the left lane so they don’t get stuck behind the slower vehicle if someone is going a little faster. Drivers tend to forget that you can turn cruise control on and off and speed up and slow down without too much effort.
Some people think they are teaching others how to to drive properly by going at the speed limit. They’re going at cruising speed and aren’t worried about what faster drivers think. Since passing on the right in the US is something that everyone does, even if it is dangerous, people just stay in the passing lane even though they’re not going over the speed limit. “If they’re not passing, they’re supposed to move over. It’s the law,” says tantamle on Reddit.
The third reason is just people being unaware. Driving education in the US is basic at best and young drivers are clueless about driving laws and correct handling of cars. If their parents drive slow in the left lane, they’re likely to do the same. It’s getting to the point where a national television driver education campaign should be put in place to try to explain to people why the left lane is only for passing.
“I truly feel like people are just unaware. I’m someone with an admittedly lead foot. I try not to be a dick about it. There are people who go faster than me and I move out the way and let them pass. It drives me off the wall when people are in the left lane doing the speed limit. By the time I’m able to pass and look in their direction they always look oblivious or unaware,” from an anonymous user post on Reddit.
All drivers know that speeding is dangerous and illegal, but purposely driving slow or at the speed limit to “teach” others what the correct way to drive is self–centered and completely the wrong approach, because it’s making the road more dangerous for everyone.