How much do NFL waterboys/girls get paid?
It may not have been obvious from the movie, which was more about poking fun, but the National Football League’s waterboys actually do quite well.

“He was one of a kind. The last of his breed. The world’s finest... waterboy!”
The movie starring Adam Sandler was a classic, and there are documentaries and even songs about them, but when it comes to being an NFL waterboy, it’s simply about being in and around your favorite NFL players and, more over, helping them out. With that in mind, it’s clear to see that as a waterboy for the NFL, you have the opportunity to be up close and personal with the sport in a way that is normally reserved for the players themselves.
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That is, of course, before we consider the fact that there is a decent salary for doing so as well.
What does a NFL Waterboy do?
Despite common jokes, waterboys are an important part of the NFL training staff. Their main task is of course keeping NFL players hydrated which is to say insuring there is always water readily available to players while they are playing and training. In addition they are also on hand to provide players with fresh towels while disposing of those that have been used.
Waterboys also need to display a high a degree of intuition. What that means is, they need to be conscious of player needs at all times relative to the ongoing game or practice session. Quite simply they need to attend to players without distracting or hindering them in anyway.
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How much do NFL waterboys make?
NFL waterboys actually make a fairly decent salary. Typically speaking individuals earn around $35,000 per year. Those who have been in the game for an extended period of time, however, can earn significantly more, with some even reported to be starting well above $50,000. They are also eligible for a number of perks which can make the amount the take in even higher. This of course pales in comparison to the salary of NFL players themselves. Even rookies in the NFL can make $400,000 per year while the average the average NFL player salary is $860,000 per year. This is to say nothing of the elite players at the top of the league who can earn more than $25 million per year.
While the salary of a NFL waterboy is respectable it’s assured that the real plus is in the perks and of course being able to interact on a personal level. Understandably it is not a long term career option but, can often be a launchpad for roles within the corporate side of the NFL itself.