Solar storm headed for earth could cause black-outs
The solar phenomenon, caused by a coronal mass ejection, could also produce auroras borealis at lower than usual altitudes.

Experts in astrology are keeping a close eye on a solar storm that is due to take place across Thursday and Friday and which could have indirect effects on the earth such as causing problems in telecommunications and electricity systems.
The solar storm is being provoked by a coronal mass ejection, a massive burst of solar wind and radiation that emanates from the sun during a period of maximum solar activity. It is anticipated this solar event could hit the earth on Thursday or Friday, according to space weather physicist Doctor Tamitha Skov. The phenomenon could also produce auroras borealis at medium-altitude range.
Northern solar storm will bounce off earth's magnetosphere
Among the effects the solar storm could have are potential problems in radio transmission and satellite communications as well as electricity supply cut-offs, If the radiation wave strikes from a southern direction. If it arrives from the north, it will likely not cause any issues as it will bounce off the earth’s magnetosphere.