TANF Benefits: These are the states that distribute the most money each month
Among the economic relief in the USA, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program stands out: These states give the most money.

The United States has various economic aid programs to provide relief to low-income families. Among the most common which stands out is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, known simply as TANF.
Through TANF, the United States Office of Family Assistance (OFA) offers a monthly cash payment to low-income families with children. The main goal of the program is to help families to achieve self-sufficiency so that children can be cared for in their own homes. According to official figures, one million families, composed of 2.8 million recipients, benefit from this financial aid, with the basic block grant amounting to $16.5 billion dollars annually.
The TANF Program is available in all 50 states of the country, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. Like the SNAP Program, the distribution of benefits TANF is administered by each state, so the average aid amount, as well as the requirements to receive it, may vary from one region to another.
Typically, requirements include being a United States citizen and residing in the state where assistance is requested, being 18 years of age or older, the head of household, pregnant or having a child 18 years of age or younger, and unemployed or underemployed with low income. The average amount is $399 dollars per month in most states. However, there are some regions of the country where the amount increases considerably due to the respective lifestyle costs.
TANF Benefits: These are the states that distribute the most money each month
Taking into account that the average amount can vary depending on the residence of the beneficiary, there are some states where more money is distributed each month. Such is the case of New Hampshire, which is the state that distributes the most money it grants to its beneficiaries with a monthly payment of $862 dollars, followed by Alaska with an average payment of $821 dollars per month and California with $696 dollars.
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On the contrary, the states that offer the least money are Mississippi, which has a maximum benefit of $146 dollars per month, followed by Arkansas with $162 dollars per month and Louisiana with $188 dollars. It is worth mentioning that the exact amount depends on each family’s personal situation. For more information, visit Benefits.gov.