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Who will get two Social Security payments in September 2023?

Some Social Security beneficiaries will receive two payments in September. Here’s who will receive them and the exact payment dates.

Así es la propuesta que busca aumentar la edad de jubilación y reducir los pagos del Seguro Social
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The Social Security Administration (SSA) has begun sending payments for the month of September.

Each month, benefits are sent to retirees and their survivors, that is, to the children, spouses, widows, widowers or parents of a deceased beneficiary. It also sends disability benefits from the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, as well as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

This month, certain beneficiaries will receive two payments, one at the beginning of the month and one at the end. Here’s who will be receiving them and the exact payment dates.

These Social Security beneficiaries will receive two payments in September 2023

Recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will receive two payments in September. Those people who receive their Social Security payments, whether retirees, survivors or SSDI, and are eligible for SSI also receive two payments.

SSI payments are sent on the first day of each month. However, if the first day is Saturday or Sunday, payments are sent forward to the last Friday of the previous month.

Taking this schedule into account,the SSA sends this month’s SSI benefits on 1 September and will send the second payment on Friday, 29 September.

Those who collect Social Security benefits (retirees, survivors or SSDI) and SSI at the same time will have their SSI payment is sent on the first day of the month and the Social Security payment is sent on the third day.

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These are the payment dates for Social Security and SSI benefits from the SSA schedule:

  • 1, Thursday: SSI beneficiaries and beneficiaries who began receiving payments before May 1997
  • 13, Wednesday: Beneficiaries with a date of birth between the 1st and the 10th
  • 20, Wednesday: Beneficiaries with a date of birth between the 11th and the 20th
  • 27, Wednesday: Beneficiaries with a date of birth between the 21st and the 31st
  • 29, Friday: SSI beneficiaries (payment corresponding to the month of October)

Payments are sent via direct deposit to those who have provided a bank account to SSA or via postal mail, both of which may take additional days to arrive.

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