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Cumbre Vieja eruption sends lava streaming from collapsed cone

Activity on Cumbre Vieja has intensified in recent days, with huge earth tremors and the partial collapse of the volcano's interior cone increasing lava flow.

Following the collapse of part of the interior cone of the Cumbre Vieja volcano there has been a massive increase in the size of the lava lake and a swelling of the lava flows spilling down the side of the mountain.
Two of these, designated 1 and 4, are the largest and responsible for reconfiguring the island, contributing to the large delta being formed in the Atlantic.
These images captured by the Canary Islands Volcanology Institute a day before the partial interior cone collapse show the extent of the lava now flowing from Cumbre Vieja. Experts have not yet given any indication when the eruption may stop, but have warned that it is not likely to be any time soon.